
Sample job file for running Star serial job for single CPU:

File Name : star.cmd


#@ output = test.out

#@ error = test.err

#@ job_type = serial

#@ class = Star

#@ environment = COPY_ALL

#@ queue

Jobid=`echo $LOADL_STEP_ID | cut -f 6 -d .`


mkdir -p $tmpdir; cd $tmpdir

cp -R $LOADL_STEP_INITDIR/* $tmpdir

source /sware/star4.14/etc/setstar

star >output

mv ../job$Jobid $LOADL_STEP_INITDIR

In the command prompt, type the command, llsubmit star.cmd

Sample job file for running Starccm serial job for single CPU:

File Name : star.cmd


#@ output = test.out

#@ error = test.err

#@ job_type = serial

#@ class = Star

#@ environment = COPY_ALL

#@ queue

Jobid=`echo $LOADL_STEP_ID | cut -f 6 -d .`


mkdir -p $tmpdir; cd $tmpdir

cp -R $LOADL_STEP_INITDIR/* $tmpdir

starccm+ -batch 0.sim >> out

mv ../job$Jobid $LOADL_STEP_INITDIR

In the command prompt, type the command, llsubmit star.cmd