Who is eligible to use the cluster?
Only Case faculty, students and staffs are eligible to use the cluster.
How do I get an account on the cluster?
In order to use HPCE resources you must have an account on each cluster or resource you are planning to work on. To request access to HPC clusters, please login to the www.cc.iitm.ac.in site.
How do I login to the cluster?
To login to the cluster, establish a secure shell connection to the login node using an SSH client from a computer with a Case network IP address. Unsecured telnet will not work. Connections from off-campus computers and wireless connections will work only if a Case IP address proxy is obtained via VPN. Once you are connected, type your cluster ipaddress, username in response to the "login as:" prompt, and type your password in response to the "Password:" prompt. Press the "Enter" or "Return" key after each entry. For more info go to http://www.cc.iitm.ac.in/?q=node/76
Once you are logged in to the cluster, type the command
and respond to the prompts by entering your old password and your new password. Please remember that this will change your password. Passwords must meet the following criteria:
An example of such an error is:
/bin/ksh^M: bad interpreter
You have created a text file in the Windows text format. You must either store your file in the UNIX text format, convert the text file to the UNIX text format during transmission to server or later on convert the text file on server.
Use the dos2unix command to convert the text file on server, e.g.:
$ dos2unix myrun.job
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